Adam Smith: Father of the Fringe, Or Is He? – free screening
04 August 2022
As part of the Fringe Central events programme, the Fringe Society is hosting a free special screening of Adam Smith: Father of the Fringe, Or Is He? The screening will take place at the Everyman Cinema in St James Quarter at 11:00 on Thursday 11 August 2022.
Directed by Alex Webster and presented by Dominic Frisby, the film tells of the extraordinary economic journey of the Fringe and features input from comedians Jimmy Carr, Al Murray and Arthur Smith. The screening will be followed by a lively panel discussion chaired by Fringe Society board member and Chair of the Lyceum Theatre Tari Lang, with guest panellists:
- Fringe artist Dominic Frisby
- Donald Smith, founding member and Director of the Scottish Storytelling Centre
- David Pollock, journalist and author of a new book on the Fringe.
Fringe Central is our hub for Fringe artists, media and arts industry during the festival; its events programme is designed to help participants connect with each other and advance their careers, as well as providing an arena to discuss the major issues affecting the Fringe and the wider culture sector.
While Fringe Central events are typically aimed at Fringe participants, we are pleased to make a limited number of tickets for this screening available to the public.