On Saturday 06 August, our popular Meet the Media event returned in person for the first time since 2019. On the first Saturday of the Fringe, the Fringe Society team coordinates an afternoon where artists can meet some of the key media titles visiting the Fringe to pitch their show for review, or news coverage. 

Our team enjoyed getting to know all the artists who came along, many of whom were experiencing the Fringe for the first time. We were also delighted to welcome Fringe Society President Phoebe Waller-Bridge on the day; she spent an hour chatting to performers, taking selfies and gathering a number of flyers for her to peruse at leisure.

Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, said: "Meet the Media is always one of those early-August events that captures the buzz and energy of the month ahead. It's such a thrill seeing so many Fringe artists taking hold of this chance to put their shows in front of media representatives, both well-known and specialist, from across the UK. It's opportunities like this that make the Fringe such an unparalleled platform for rising artistic talent."



Nearly 240 shows ended up attending the event, with around 600 participants in total gathering to pitch to representatives from 11 media companies in the Spiegeltent at St James Quarter, one of the new spaces around the Fringe Central participant hub. Our thanks to the St James Quarter, Just The Tonic and BBC @ Edinburgh's Festivals for allowing to use the space for the day.

Photgrapher credit: David Monteith-Hodge, 2022.