Fringe-goers will be able to browse the first Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022 show listings from Thursday 03 March

Show registration for this year’s Fringe is now open, and as in previous years, registered Fringe shows and venues select which date their listings go live on 

Batches of shows will be revealed each month in the run up to the festival, giving prospective audience members a chance to browse the programme in bite-sized chunks, plan their visit in advance and spread the cost of ticket-buying.

This year, batches of show listings will go live on:

  • Thursday 03 March
  • Thursday 07 April
  • Thursday 05 May
  • Thursday 09 June

As ever, our access tickets service will be available to help out anyone with an access requirement to attend a Fringe show, including providing complimentary personal assistant tickets.

In addition, we’re excited to announce that the Fringe 2022 printed programme will be launched in early July – we’ll have more information on that soon. 

The Fringe’s 75th anniversary edition will take place from 05 – 29 August 2022.

Sign up to receive email reminders when new Fringe shows are added


Thumbnail photo credit: Kill the Beast: Don't Wake the Damp, 2016, Pleasance. Photographer: David Monteith-Hodge.