There are some Fringe stats that get quoted all the time – the number of shows, venues, attendees etc. However, we wanted to share some of the lesser known numbers that truly #MakeYourFringe each and every year.


Countries represented onstage at this year’s Fringe, performing in 753 shows. Denmark, Wales, Scotland, Switzerland, Quebec, Canada, Ireland, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Taiwan, Finland, Italy, China, France and Korea were among the countries and regions that staged showcase programmes at the Fringe.



Number of sensory backpacks loaned out to autistic children and adults, to help make their experience of the Fringe more enjoyable.


Uses of #edfringe or #MakeYourFringe on Twitter.



Local schools, charities and community groups that are part of our Fringe Days Out project, which offers free Fringe and travel vouchers to people who wouldn’t normally get to experience the Fringe.


Bus tickets supplied by our travel partners Lothian as part of Fringe Days Out.



Free shows included in the official Fringe Programme, plus 404 Pay What You Want shows. 


Tickets issued to Edinburgh residents at the 2019 Fringe, a new record.



Percentage of shows in the Fringe Programme made by Scottish companies and artists.


Events delivered at our Fringe Central participants hub, covering everything from how to market your show and developing your script to looking after your mental health (with partners including Equity, Spotlight and the Independent Theatre Council).



Percentage of Fringe artists who donated tickets for children and young people in and around Edinburgh’s care system.


Percentage of Fringe shows that were accessible to wheelchair users.



Shows staged daily at the Virgin Money Street Events. Yes, daily. 


Schoolkids who attended the Fringe as part of our schools outreach work (accompanied by 188 teachers).



Teachers who saw shows as part of the Teachers’ Theatre Club we set up with Imaginate.


Accredited arts industry members – eg promoters, producers, festival and venue bookers – attended the festival to buy work and support artists beyond the Fringe.



Spins on the Inspiration Machine, offering audience members random shows to see.

And finally – there are only...

days until the next Fringe!